Ultrasonic Testing

CQI uses the Ultra-Sonic Testing (UT) method to detect internal imperfections in materials, welds, fabricated parts, and components. Contact Pulse Echo ultrasonic method using straight and angle beam techniques allows us to find cracks or delamination parallel to the surface, voids, and porosity. Once detected, we can further analyze the area to determine the depth, size, and shape of the structural void.

UT is suitable to be applied when:

Portability of the test is a factor
Detecting internal type discontinuities, but also for some surface defects
Manual inspection since only one probe is required
Used where high penetration is important (up to 6-7 meters in steel)
Not wanting to use other less safe methods of internal investigation such as radiographic testing
Testing over most non-conductive coatings (up to 0.05mm)
When high sensitivity is important (permit detection of miniscule defects)
Only one surface is available for testing

UT testing can be used to assess:

Industrial Structures
Rail & Road Vehicles
Ships & Floating Marine Structures
Mobile Drilling Units
Other structural components